推荐几个足彩外围app是新的控股公司,拥有100%的股份 ofi 剩下的推荐几个足彩外围app,64人.57% of Olam Agri, and has succeeded Olam International Limited as the public listed company on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange since 16 March 2022 following our Re-organisation (SGX: Olam Group; Bloomberg: OLG SP; Reuters: OLAG.SI).
推荐买球平台目前是新加坡市值最大的30家主要上市公司之一,也是新加坡上市公司的新加坡成员 FT Global All World Ex US Index. 自2020年6月起,它也被纳入 FTSE4Good Index Series, 由富时罗素开发的全球可持续投资指数系列, 在对其供应链活动进行严格评估之后, 对环境的影响和治理透明度.
Key Share Data (SGX): | |
Listed: 16 March 2022 Company name: Olam Group Limited Counter name: Olam Group ISIN code: SGXE65760014 Stock code: VC2 SGX: Olam Group Bloomberg: OLG SP Reuters: OLAG.SI | First listed: 11 February 2005 Company name: Olam International Limited Date of delisting: 16 March 2022